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1) a competition to find the best athlete, player, team etc (championship)

2) (of fruit etc) of the best quality (choice)

3) in, of, the best (especially ancient Greek and Roman) art and literature (classical)

4) (of clothes) the style considered the best during a period or at a place; to design, make, shape, (an object) (fashion)

5) having, showing, the best professional skill (master)

6) the attitude or belief that the best thing is most likely to happen, that good will defeat evil (optimism)

7) the process, act, of making something perfect; the best possible state or quality (perfection)

8) of the best quality (prize)

9) a written statement of facts, events etc; being the best yet; a limit, score, point, mark etc (high or low), not reached before; (especially in sport) the best yet done (record)


(of gold and silver) of standard value; (of a person's character etc) deserving praise because good and genuine; British money


THE BEST as in Wiktionary
THE BEST as in Wikipedia